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Imodium online
Imodium is prescribed for adults and children over 5 years for violations of the chair, in particular: - A drug used for the symptomatic treatment of acute and chronic diarrhea of ​​various origins (except for diarrhea caused by taking antimicrobials); - Imodium prescribed to patients with iliostoma to reduce the frequency and normalizing stool consistency. Imodium online Imodium is not intended for the initial treatment of severe diarrhea, which is accompanied by dehydration and reduction of fluid and electrolyte levels. In particular, this loss in children desirably compensated by hormone therapy orally or parenterally. Adults and children over the age of 6 years. The capsules should be taken with water. Acute diarrhea: the initial dose for adults is 2 capsules (4 mg) for children - 1 capsule (2 mg); further 1 capsule (2 mg) followed after each liquid stool. Chronic diarrhea: the initial dose for adults - 2 capsules (4 mg) for children - 1 capsule (2 mg) daily; further correcting the dose so that solid feces frequency was 1-2 times per day that a dose is achieved by taking 1-6 capsules (2-12 mg) daily. The maximum daily dose for adults with chronic and acute diarrhea - 8 capsules (16 mg) for children - should be calculated based on the weight of the child's body - 3 capsules per 20 kg body weight. In acute diarrhea, if 48 hours is not marked clinical improvement, taking Imodium should be discontinued.Imodium online Use in elderly patients. No dose adjustment is required in elderly patients. Use in impaired renal function. No dose adjustment is required in patients with impaired renal function. Application for violations of liver function. Although pharmacokinetic data on the effect of the drug in patients with hepatic impairment are not available, such patients Imodium should be used with caution in view of the slow first-pass metabolism (see. Special instructions). Side effects: Allergic reactions: seldom - skin rash, hives, itching; in isolated cases - angioneurotic edema, bullous rashes (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis, anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reactions. From the digestive system: very rarely - the distortion of taste, abdominal pain, nausea, constipation, bloating, vomiting, dyspepsia, ileus, megacolon (including the option of toxic flow).Imodium online With the genitourinary system: in rare cases - urinary retention. CNS: rarely - dizziness; in rare cases - drowsiness. Reports of adverse reactions in clinical studies and post-marketing loperamide characteristic of diarrheal syndrome (dry mouth, abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bloating, fatigue, drowsiness, dizziness). Therefore, to establish a reliable association between the drug and the above symptoms is difficult.
Категория: imodium tablets | Добавил: Dnister (17.12.2016)
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