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Where can i get imodium
Home »Imodium Imodium Share: Share button Instructions for use: Analogues: Price: Contributions: Comments (13) Antidiarrheal drug which affects the intestinal peristalsis and longiruet the passage of the contents of the intestines. Imodium usually tolerated very well by the body, and side effects are very rare. The drug is administered orally in tablet form, duration and application dosage is individual harakter. Where can i get imodium Name: ATC code: Pharm. Group: Active Substance: JSC "Biosynthesis" RossiyaLoperamideA07DA03Simptomaticheskie for the treatment diareiLoperamidTsena: 170.8 rub.- There nalichii- All methods oplaty- Guarantee quality- Free delivery- delivery: from 5 hours Buy Date: November 29, 2016ten card preparataPopulyarnye voprosyPrimenenie ImodiumaImodium for deteyImodium at beremennostivnimanie! Advertising    Where can i get imodium Name: Imodium (Imodium) Pharmacological Action: Imodium - a drug that has prolonged antidiarrhoeal effect. The active drug substance reduces propulsive peristalsis and prolong the passage of the contents of the intestines, increases tone of the anal sphincter, holding back the urge to incontinence and bowel movement. When injected into the gastrointestinal tract quickly and easily absorbed by the ... more indications Use: The drug is used to treat diarrhea (acute and chronic forms) of different etiologies. Imodium is not indicated for the treatment of diarrhea, which has been caused as a result of consumption of antimicrobial agents. Also, the drug is used in the ileostomy for reducing stool frequency ... daleeSposob application: Imodium is used inside, the dosage and duration of treatment is individual and determined by the physician depending on the severity and nature of the disease. Where can i get imodium Typically prescribed to 4 mg, which is two capsules, children over the age of five years taking 5 mg (one capsule) ... read more Side effects: The drug usually does not cause side effects and tolerated well, in rare cases of adverse reactions the body: dry mouth, bowel obstruction, nausea, vomiting, bloating, headaches, dizziness, and possibly a manifestation of allergic reactions (pruritus, erythema, ... more
Категория: imodium tablets | Добавил: Dnister (17.12.2016)
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